Church Family,

All of us, God’s people, are satisfied only through Jesus Christ. He gives us all we need. We learned this through Pastor Chuck’s sermon on Mark 6:30-44. Listen to the audio of the sermon or check out our YouTube channel.

Summer Sundays

This summer, we’ll have the great blessing of spending Sunday mornings in one gathering from 9:30-11am. That begins this Sunday, May 22nd. We will get to experience the priority of gathering as a church body to an even greater degree by extending our time together and taking the Lord’s Supper each week. Scroll down for gathering pictures!

Saved to Serve

“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another,'” (Galatians 5:13-14). We are freed from ourselves to love others. What a great gift! You’ll likely be asked to serve with children, greeting, fellowship, or audio visuals for 2022-2023 in the coming weeks. Please pray about having a heart to serve in one of these areas on Sunday mornings! Sign up to serve here.

Your sister,


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