Church Family,

Last Sunday, Pastor Chuck spoke to us about knowing God through Jesus and his works, as we learned in Mark 6:45-56. Listen to the audio of the sermon or check out our YouTube channel.

Saved to Serve

Look below and above for a few glorious pictures of Christ’s people at work. This is what we’re meant to do, church family! When we are serving one another, we look most like Christ. Sign up here to serve with kids, greeting, fellowship, or audio visual teams for the 2022-2023 year.

Summer Sundays

This past week, we also began our Summer Sundays schedule: one gathering every week through the summer at 9:30am. Think today about this upcoming Sunday. Is there a member you’d like to get to know over lunch? Bring them home to a crock pot or go out to eat with them. For ideas, you can flip through your membership directory or ask someone who’s been on your mind.

“If anyone would be first, he must be last of all and servant of all,” Mark 9:34-35.

Your sister,


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