Brothers and Sisters,

On Sunday, another partner in ministry from Phoenix Seminary shared the message of Mark 2:18-22 with us. Dr. Peter Gurry showed us how Jesus can’t mix with our old ways of being “enough.” Listen in to the whole sermon.

Exciting News!

Church on Mill unanimously approved the purchase of an adjacent property on Sunday evening during a special Members Meeting. We’re thrilled to see how the Lord uses this property to expand and mature his kingdom people! See the full update here and watch this video from Pastor Chuck. We need to raise $667,500 by May 1st to keep both of our currently vacant lots for future usage. You can give here. Be sure to select “Building Fund” when you make a special offering!

Marriage Conference

A union that most closely shows us what the relationship between Christ and his church looks like is a precious one indeed. Join many from Church on Mill as we learn together about marriage. No matter your stage of life, learning about God’s intentions for marriage will encourage and challenge you. More info and registration here.

Remember, church family, that Christ is enough: for today, tomorrow, and every heartache and joy they bring.

Your sister,
