Church Family,

We have been saved: a saving powerful enough to save us once and carry out that saving in every moment of our lives going forward. And if God gives us this, the ultimate gift, can’t we trust him with every facet of our lives? Listen in to the full sermon.

Christmas Eve

We have a wonderful opportunity to engage with neighbors and friends by inviting them to our Christmas Eve gathering. They’ll hear all about our saving one, Jesus. Let’s pray together that many connected to our church family might hear of the life they can find in him. We’ll meet from 6-7pm with cookies to follow.

We love you, church family. May we trust Jesus, our light, this Christmas season.

“I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness,” John 12:46. 

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it,” John 1:5.

There is no darkness his light will not overcome!

Your sister,


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