Monthly Archives: June 2021


By |2021-06-30T11:41:59-07:00June 30th, 2021|News|

Church Family, Last Sunday, Pastor Tad preached on Colossians 2:6-15. How are we to continue on in Christ? If you feel it's a struggle to persist in the faith, listen in and catch the [...]

All We Need

By |2021-06-23T14:03:42-07:00June 23rd, 2021|News|

Church Family, Last Sunday, our Director of Family Ministries, Mike Bond, preached from Colossians 1:24-2:5. We learned that Christ is what we need and all we need. To learn how this is true and [...]


By |2021-06-16T20:28:35-07:00June 16th, 2021|News|

Church Family, Brandon Reimus, the Director of Christian Challenge at Church on Mill, taught us from Colossians 1:15-23 on Sunday. Our heads were in the clouds where we could see the glorious, preeminent Christ. [...]


By |2021-06-09T15:36:11-07:00June 9th, 2021|News|

Church Family, When God makes gold, it is glorious to see. On Sunday, we saw his work in Pastor Rob Krause, our friend and partner who serves at Serenissima Ministries in Italy. In his [...]


By |2021-06-02T15:53:26-07:00June 2nd, 2021|News, Uncategorized|

Church Family, This past Sunday, Pastor Chuck preached on 1 Corinthians 1:9-14 and what it means to be filled with the knowledge of the Lord. In short, when we know God, we can be [...]


By |2021-06-02T15:13:21-07:00June 2nd, 2021|Highlights|

Annually, Pastor Chuck is provided a month of sabbatical. Sabbatical, in this sense, is an extended time set aside for focused prayer, study, rest, and long-range planning and dreaming. Thanks to great teams of [...]

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