Brothers and Sisters,

Every time we gather I am deeply encouraged as we sing great truths about God together and then sit around God’s word.  This past Sunday the book of Philippians challenged us all to live lives worthy of the gospel of Christ (Phil 1:27).  We explored together that Paul encourages the believers there to do this by living with a united stand and collective courage (Phil 1:27-30).  We as the church should stand united together in grace and truth and live lives that demonstrates gospel truthfulness.  This gospel truthfulness must be lived out in front of the community rather than obnoxious yelling from a distance.  Lastly, we must live as worthy citizens with collective courage.  Paul’s tells the church in Philippi to “not be frighten in anything by your opponents.” The reason for this claim is because, “This is a clear sign to them of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God” (Phil 1:28).

Brothers and Sisters, when we stand collectively in courage we demonstrate the great power of the gospel and therefore the weakness of worldly insults.  Let us, as Pastor Chuck said Sunday, “live as heaven’s citizens with a united stand and a collective courage.”


October 5th is just a few weeks away and if you have not purchased your ticket to support our mission partner 20schemes, do it now!!!  This will be an event to raise awareness about the wonderful work 20schemes is doing to plant Gospel-centered churches is the most impoverished communities in Scotland.  We have enjoyed partnering with them in many ways so do make it a priority to attend along with someone who has never heard of their work.  Perhaps that person after hearing about 20schemes will commit to partner alongside them to reach the poorest of Scotland.

Grace be with you,

Bryan Jerry