Brothers and Sisters,

I am grateful for the partnership we share together in the gospel, and for the work that God is completing in each one of us. May our love for one another continue to abound more and more in Christ Jesus.

Last Week

Before we consider last week’s sermon, let’s do a quick recap. Three weeks ago we saw that God has a message. That message is the good news that God so loved the world, he sent his Son to die for our sins, so that whoever believes in Him might be reconciled to God. Then, the following week, we learned that God’s message creates God’s people—a new humanity marked by love for God and one another. This new humanity is the church.

Last week, we saw that God’s people created by God’s message are meant to display God’s glory. The church is a trophy case proclaiming the awesome achievement of God in Christ. It showcases His infinite wisdom. How does the church do this? As individuals from every tongue, tribe, people and nation are united under their one Lord, Jesus Christ, God’s wisdom is displayed. The world and the heavenly powers watch the church in open amazement as the gospel transcends culture, race, economic status, personality, age, gender, and every other human barrier. I am grateful for the diversity that exists in Church on Mill. As onlookers recognize that it is the gospel alone uniting such a diverse community, God is magnified!  Be thinking this week about how you can serve to maximize the display of God’s glory through our church family.

Members Meeting

This coming Sunday (29th) please join us at 6:00 pm in the church auditorium for our first Members Meeting of the year.  The Transition Team will be issuing a call to prayer over several significant matters.  We’ll hear testimonies from the four deacon candidates.  Several members are lined up to share stories of God at work.  You’ll have opportunity to give input and ask questions.  It’s going to be a fun night together!

We are “fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel” (Eph 3:6). May our unity in Christ display the awesome wisdom of God to the glory of His name!

Your brother in Christ,

Phil Hoshiwara