Brothers and Sisters,

Sunday was a privilege to gather around the scriptures and feel it’s penetrating affects on the heart.  Colossians 3:1-17 is much easier to digest mentally than chapter 2 but tough to stomach in our hearts.  We should be grateful for moments like these to really take a long, hard, and exhaustive look at our hearts.  Vice and virtue lists were not uncommon in Paul’s letters but served a great purpose in examining our lives against what it should really look like.  In doing so we are reminded of who we once were (Col 3:7)  and in turn should feel a sense of thanksgiving (Col 3:15).  We should never forget the bleakness of our former enslavement to sin in order to have hearts full of thanksgiving for Christ and his shed blood on our behalf (Col 1:21-22).

So, the question still remains, which list best describes you?  Do the vices seem to hit to close to home (Col 3:5,8)?  Or do the virtues more adequately describe your day to day living (Col 3:12-14)?  If not, perhaps you should start with reminding yourself of Colossians 3:1-4 and begin leaning on Christ rather than your own abilities.  It is precisely because of Christ and his work that we can experience putting off the old self and putting on the new (Col 3:5, 8-10, 12).

Family Ministry

There are two major events for our Family Ministry that you need to be aware of:  1) On July 31st at 12:15 in the East wing of the auditorium there will be an informational meeting for those interested in what all happens in Family Ministries and how one can get involved.  2) On August 5th from 6-8pm in the Auditorium there will be a Family Ministry volunteer fellowship.  This is a chance for all Family Ministry volunteers to be honored and encouraged as we share a meal together and prepare to kick off another semester.  Contact Tim Stokes for details and if you will be able to attend either event.


Summer is officially over—well, the break not the heat!!! With school starting to get back in full swing and most summer breaks coming to an end be on the look out for multiple events coming soon.

Grace be with you,

Bryan Jerry