Brothers and Sisters,

What a great gathering we had this past Sunday as we began our last series in Proverbs called Social Currency.  God has granted us the ability to process the world around us and as well to consider what is appropriate in our actions.  We have consistently seen over the past couple months wisdom is necessary to live healthy God-honoring lives.

One of the interesting ways Proverbs talks about wisdom is in dealing with the many different relationships of life.  One of those relationships is friendship.  There are many barriers to friendship in our culture—autonomy idolatry, transient society, and it is perceived as weak and immature to need friends—but these barriers should not keep us from an important part of God’s design for us.

Would you spend some time this week considering which area of friendship you need to work on—commitment (Pr 17:17), candor (Pr 27:17), counsel (Pr 27:9), and Christ (John 15:12-15).  Find a friend this week from Church on Mill and spend time praying this and talking through this unique relationship called friendship.

I do not wish to treat friendships daintily, but with roughest courage. When they are real, they are not glass threads or frostwork, but the solidest thing we know.   -R. W. Emerson

New Connection Classes

Don’t forget there are two new Connection Classes beginning this Sunday.  If you have not already considered which class you will attend, click this link and decide now!  We are strongly encouraging anyone who has never attended a Membership Class, or if it has been more than two years since you have attended one, to please make it a priority this time around.  Membership matters and is our effort to preserve unity, protect the purity of the Gospel, and ensure care for one another.

Deacon Candidates

This past Sunday Transition Team member Kent Hardy presented two new deacon candidates to the church for consideration.  Please take a few minutes and read the blog post which contains the announcement from Sunday, position papers on deacons, and also each candidates’s story.

Grace be with you my friends,

Bryan Jerry