Brothers and Sisters,

This Sunday was special indeed from connection classes, then gathered worship, and lastly our meeting about the mergers and moves.  What a day of celebration primarily surrounded around God’s faithfulness towards us individually and us as a church family.  Take some time if you were unable to attend this Sunday and listen to the sermon and read the summary of the mergers and moves meeting.  May we not forget the Lord’s work here at Church on Mill!!!

Psalm 78 models for us this helpful practice of remembering in order that faithfulness is encouraged and to stoke the flames of hope in our great God (Ps 78:7).  Remembering is an essential practice to help individuals not forget so that they might be able to push forward with better understanding.  In essences, in looking back we are able to move forward.  Though this is very true, Psalm 78 has more than just you in mind but also your children–our next generation (Ps 78:1-8).  Brothers and Sisters, we are tasked with the job of rehearsing the truths about God to each other’s children!  Our job is to impart the habit of God-centered remembering in order that we don’t soon forget the goodness of God.

May we be a remembering Church, remembering all the God has done for us primarily through Christ.  New Testament writers charge us consistently to remember who we were before Christ (Eph 2:11-12, Col 1:21-22) and then naturally remember Christ himself (1 Cor 11:24, 2 Tim 2:8).  Brothers and Sisters, I am dismayed at the lack of reflection I do on the goodness of God in my life.  I, we, would be much further along in our faithfulness if we regularly reflected and remembered God’s work of salvation through Christ and the ongoing work of the Spirit in our lives.

Kids Camp

Please be in prayer for the children as they spend this week getting prepared for Kids Camp from June 13-17th.  Be on the look out this Sunday for prayer bands on the patio that have names of each individual that will be attending camp.  This is designed for you to grab a band and commit to pray for a child by name during the week of camp.

Here is a brief description of what the kids will be exploring during the week:  STANDING FIRM in the faith is difficult to begin with, but add in the spiritual battle that is unseen and it gets more complicated at a young age. At Stand Kids Camp, your child will spend the week investigating what it means to put on the full armor of God, learning what each piece of armor represents and how to apply it to our daily lives. Campers will be equipped to stand firm in the faith!

Grace be with you,

Bryan Jerry