Church Family,

Last Sunday, Pastor Chuck shared Paul’s shocking and emotional words with us from Galatians 4:8-20. What could it mean that Paul is in the anguish of childbirth for the Galatians? How can we understand his intimate plea? Listen in if you haven’t yet.

Governance Proposals

As we are in a season of prayer, study, and dialogue about our governance documents, you can look at the documents and timeline of the next few months here. Bring any questions or suggestions to the elders. They would love to hear from you!

Wing Wing Wing

Hello?! You’re invited to eat turkey with us at the third annual Thanksgiving Picnic at Daley Park! Sign up for a side dish or two and for tournaments on the back table in the auditorium. Be prepared for bouncy houses and wonderful church family time. Bring a picnic blanket and chairs. We can’t wait to see you there from 3-6pm.


What are you thankful for that God has provided? Meaningful friendships? Having what you need to eat? A church to call home? Hashtags? As you think on these things this month, consider in prayer if there is a special thanksgiving offering you are able to joyfully give to the church this November.

Thankful to be your sister,
