Brothers and Sisters,

Sunday brought with it encouragement and as always a clear sense of our desperate need for Christ in decision making related to marriage. Wisdom is no small accomplishment in anyone’s life and is essential when navigating all the relationships we enjoy. Marriage, dating, singleness, or wherever you are in that journey takes tremendous wisdom. Choosing well who we will give ourselves to in this capacity is of utmost importance even to God. Proverbs speaks most directly to this in its last chapter when King Lemuel recounts all that his mother instructed him on finding a spouse. This woman who fears the Lord is wisdom personified therefore both woman and man alike can be strengthen and challenged by her life.

My brothers who are single, focus your energies mainly on becoming a godly man, not mainly on find a godly wife. This woman from Proverbs 31 is never going to say yes to you unless you are a godly man—she is too wise for that. My sisters who are single, don’t let this Proverb heap a massive burden on your back. Understand it is not a prescription designed to weigh you down but a general list of categories to consider. Lastly, brothers and sisters currently married, don’t you dare bat each other around with this Proverb rather let it push you towards Christ and each other. Read Ephesians 5:22-33 and consider how you might invest into each other this week.

Members Meeting

Our next members meeting is April 24th from 6pm – 9pm in the Auditorium. Please mark you calendar and plan on being there to be encouraged by hearing all the exciting things happening around Church on Mill. A few items we will cover this meeting include Corporate Prayer, Staff Additions, International Mission News, Deacon Installation, and a Transition Team Report about the elder class that is finishing in the next couple weeks. There will be many more details so don’t miss it!

Deacon Candidates

This past Sunday we heard from one of the deacon candidates Katina Skinner who shared her heart for the role of Deacon of Women’s Discipleship and Mentoring. This coming Sunday we will hear from another deacon candidate (Jessica Oaks) and hear her heart for the role of Deacon of Children’s Ministry. Please take a few minutes and read this blog post which contains the announcement of the deacon candidates, position papers on deacons, and also each candidates’ story.

Grace be with you,

Bryan Jerry