Brothers and Sisters,

“The Bible says that what you have today is enough,” was a provoking and convicting statement that Pastor Chuck made during his sermon on Sunday. This is from the truth given to us Hebrews 13:5-6, in which we find that what we have today is enough because we have the Lord as our helper. What kindness! We belong to him and he will never leave us or forsake us.

Members Meeting

The next time that we’ll gather as a family to pray, celebrate, vote, and update will be on January 26th. This meeting will include voting on several items, including whether or not we will affirm Andy as an Elder of Church on Mill. Read his testimony here, rejoice in his willingness to pursue such a calling, and consider carefully whether this member of our body is a qualified shepherd. We will also be voting on the adoption of a Membership Statement of Fellowship and changes to our Bylaws. Read more about the process here.

Monday Meeting

On Monday, January 20th, there is one more formal opportunity to meet with an Elder regarding the Governance Proposals. If you’d like to join in, meet in the West Wing of the Auditorium at 6:00pm.

Now, as we face another uncertain Thursday tomorrow, we do so with great certainty in something absolutely steadying…say it out loud as we did on Sunday with Pastor Chuck:

“The Lord is my helper,

I will not fear;

what can man do to me?”

Your sister,
