Church Family,

Last Sunday Chuck took us into the “top bun” of Galatians. We’ve entered into the territory of understanding how we are to live now that we are free. If we aren’t slaves to the law, what do we do with our lives? Listen in to find out.

Happy Thanksgiving!

As the next few days invite celebration, stress, and relflection, may we find contentment in what the Lord has given us right where we are. Many of us likely wish Thanksgiving looked or felt a little different. We might wish it was in a different home, or with different people, or that it caused less stress. But, as we become more and more assured that God has richly provided everything we need right now, our church family will become even more knit together in the unity of open hearts and joyful souls. We’ve been given the very life of Jesus. May we now share with one another out of this fount that never runs dry.

“There is a fountain filled with blood
Drawn from Immanuel’s veins;
And sinners, plunged beneath that flood,
Lose all their guilty stains.”

-William Cowper

Your sister,
