Brothers and Sisters,

Buoyancy is caused “by differences in pressure acting on opposite sides of an object immersed in a static fluid.”  In essences, buoyancy occurs when the pressure on the bottom of an object is greater than the top.  That is exactly what happens to the Christian as anxiety pushes down; the truths of God push forcibly up causing the believer to regain stability.  Paul in no way had buoyancy in mind as he penned the words of Philippians 4:4-9, but he most certainly believed the pressure of anxiety could be overcome; and this through prayer (Phil 4:6).  Prayer is essential in pushing against anxiety.  It is our best effort and worthy of consistent practice.  Paul also states that these prayers must be made with thanksgiving, which makes us mindful of what God has and is doing for us.  It is hard to be full of anxiety when you are focused on God’s goodness towards you.  The practice of prayer focused on God’s goodness helps the Christian achieve buoyancy.

Brothers and Sisters, as Sunday has come and went I hope you have found yourself more committed to prayer.  In doing so, I trust you have experienced “the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, [that] will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:7).


Members Meeting

Our next Members Meeting will be December 4th from 6pm-9pm.  Please mark your calendar and plan on attending to hear testimonies and all the latest that God is doing in and among us.  There will be childcare provided.

Thanksgiving offering

As a reminder, last week we mentioned that during the month of November we are asking that you would consider giving financially, as an expression of gratitude, above and beyond normal.  This expression of gratitude would help meet needs and bless others.  You can give during our gatherings or online.

Pastoral Prayers

Each week before the sermon one of our Transition Team members or elder candidates prays a fairly lengthy prayer on behalf of the church family.  Even amid the occasional crying baby and sneezing adult, these few minutes of focused prayer encourage all of us to be still long enough to worship, confess, intercede, and prepare.  I am deeply thankful for the brothers…(continue reading)

Grace be with you,

Bryan Jerry