Monthly Archives: November 2016

Secret to Contentment

By |2017-07-31T21:01:54-07:00November 29th, 2016|News|

Brothers and Sisters, What a wonderful way to end the holiday weekend by looking at where true contentment is found.  It is hard to be thankful when we are not content.  The problem comes when [...]


By |2017-07-31T21:01:54-07:00November 22nd, 2016|News|

Brothers and Sisters, Buoyancy is caused “by differences in pressure acting on opposite sides of an object immersed in a static fluid.”  In essences, buoyancy occurs when the pressure on the bottom of an object is [...]

Unity shmunity

By |2017-07-31T21:01:54-07:00November 15th, 2016|News|

Brothers and Sisters, Our time in Philippians has been extremely valuable and, more than anticipated, deeply encouraging.  This past Sunday we saw how the gospel affects life within the church.  In Philippians 4:2-3, we see how [...]

“I want to be like Mike”

By |2017-07-31T21:01:54-07:00November 8th, 2016|News|

Brothers and Sisters, In our lifetime we will encounter hundreds of people as we attend church and meet many Christians across the world.  In doing that, we will more than likely have helpful conversations and [...]

The Race

By |2017-07-31T21:01:54-07:00November 1st, 2016|News|

Brothers and Sisters, Races are hard and at times difficult, but this does not stop any runner from running.  Paul uses a race as an analogy to encourage us in our ongoing pursuit of Christ [...]

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